Making your hotel a safe place for guests and employees is one of the best ways to improve and maintain a positive reputation, as well as ensuring guest rooms are booked on a regular basis. While there are basic security concepts including routine premise patrolling and proper lighting, you can also take several preventive measures to your hotel to really maximize hotel security.
Guest Room Safes
Having a safe in each hotel room provides guests the ability to protect their valuables. Also, hotel safes deter thieves. Most thieves are looking for an easy profit, and having an additional layer of protection in a safe will only make it more challenging, if not impossible for some thieves to make out with anything of value.
Peephole Covers
Although your other security measures should help to minimize problematic situations, installing the right type of peephole covers will give guests the power to protect themselves if an unwanted person comes to the door. In an age where reversed door viewers are easily ordered through the internet, hotels must consider tamperproof hardware in order to protect guest\’s privacy and the hotel\’s reputation.