Hotel safes are desired by travelers because they provide a sense of security. There are also several benefits hotel owners can enjoy from having in-room safes installed as well. Here are a few perks of a hotel safe you may not have thought about before.

Protects Your Reputation
Having even one theft at your establishment can wreak havoc on your professional reputation. When guests have a safe place to secure their possessions, the odds of them suffering a loss is greatly reduced, and your reputation is protected as a result. You also won’t have to defend your employees against accusations of theft.

Convenient for Staff and Guests
When safes are installed in hotel rooms, it eliminates the need for guests to secure items at the front desk or place them in a larger safe that your staff must constantly access. This saves employees time so they can focus on other opertaional tasks and guest related functions.

Attracts Business Clients
Business travelers may bring laptops, tablets and other electronic devices, and will likely check to make sure there is a safe in their room before making a reservation. If you don’t offer an in-room safe, you’ll have a hard time attracting business travelers.


Makes the Experience more Enjoyable
When your guests feel at ease, they are more likely to enjoy their stay. As such, they are more likely to return to your hotel or recommend it to others who are visiting your area.

These are just a few of the benefits your hotel can enjoy from having safes installed in each guest room. When it comes to hotel safes, there are numerous options to choose from including wall safes, drawer safes, closet safes, and more. Contact our sales team to learn more.