CNN conducted a “Consumer Connect: Travel & Tourism” survey between October and December 2012 to find out what the deciding factor is for tourists when they choose their travel destinations. The survey asked 3,106 respondents from more than 70 countries to evaluate their decision-making process before traveling.

The results put safety and security at the top of the list with 67%, more than two-thirds, saying safe venues are more appealing.


“That safety and security is significantly more important for respondents than the cost of travel, even in austere times, is an indicator that, in time of regional unrest, the pendulum has swung,” says Didier Mormesse, senior vice president of ad sales research, development and audience insight at CNN International.

Cost ranked a close second with 60% while reputation came in third with 58%.

\"passportAccording to the survey, respondents often turn to location-specific and travel websites when planning their trips. They also noted that recommendations and information from family and friends help in choosing their destination and hotel stay.

Safemark knows that safety should be a top priority. When booking a hotel, check to see what safety features the hotel offers. Guest room safes are a good way to keep guests’ valuables safe. Our safes are specially designed to hold items such as laptops and iPads while our peephole covers provide extra privacy.


Secure Those Important Documents

When traveling, along with identification documents, people often turn to credit cards for their financial needs. To protect one’s identity, we at Safemark would like to stress that you should not leave credit cards, passports, or other important valuables with your name and information lying around your hotel room. The door may have a lock on it, but leaving those items out could create several problems. If you don’t need to carry your passport or computer around during the actual vacation, your hotel safe can keep these valuables secure.

A hotel room should be a home away from home, and that includes feeling secure, so factor in safety next time you plan your getaway.