Here are a few important points to remember when evaluating in-room safes:

Brand Approved:\"Hotel
Problem: Many safe providers send conflicting information by using images of branded properties in their marketing materials, when in fact, they are not approved and/or do not meet the specification guidelines. 

Solution: Save yourself time and money by tapping into research performed by major hotel brands and select a safe partner that is approved and utilized throughout their portfolio.

Audit Trail:
Problem: Valuable time is often wasted trying to solve a theft due to ambiguous information. Many safes on the market only reflect a user number (i.e. User #1). Worse yet, they only track safe “openings” and not “closings” which is a critical piece when dealing with a guest’s missing valuables.

Solution: Remove the worry of loosing vital safe codes and the costly expense of drilling locked safes by embracing a safe solution with multiple back-up options (i.e. hotel server, secondary PC, and/or CD). An override that has lost its programming due to dead batteries is quickly and easily reprogrammed.

Key Override:\"Safe
Problem: Skeleton keys can easily be copied at the local hardware store leaving guest room safes an easy target.

Solution: Select a safe that incorporates high-integrity keys. Unlike a skeleton key, the patented Medeco key utilized by Safemark cannot be unknowingly copied as blanks are not distributed outside the Medeco factory. The lock is virtually pick proof and additional keys are only available from Medeco with proper signature authority.