Our Safemark crew just wrapped up BITAC Purchasing and Design East in Florida. Hats off to the Hotel Interactive crew for putting on another successful BITAC event. This was our 30th (yes , thirty – that was not a typo) BITAC dating back to the very first event held in 2005 at the Wynn in Las Vegas. We love BITAC’s non-traditional approach to gathering hoteliers and suppliers, which makes for far better networking opportunities than traditional trade shows. AND – our feet don’t get nearly as sore. Here is a picture of Safemark\’s John Foley and Bob Eamer with Carl Long, VP at Purchasing Management International out of Dallas, TX.
Survey Says
In addition to connecting with industry decision makers, BITAC events are packed full of interesting sessions where today’s topics are discussed by a panel of experts. Those of us in the audience participate with fun, little clickers used to answer industry related survey questions. Here is a survey question with results from this week’s event:
\”Which region of the country (US) are you busiest in right now?”
– 37 percent – northeast
– 34 percent – southeast
– 12 percent – west coast
– 17 percent – Midwest
Would you say the same for your business?
Hotel Renovations
Another hot topic this week was hotel renovations. Projects are on the rise with the driving factor being the need for hotels to differentiate from the competition and to address consumer trends. One trend we’re all seeing is hotel guests bringing more and more gadgets. Heck, when was the last time you walked down the airplane aisle to see passengers only chatting, reading a paperback book or taking a snooze? These days, each row is filled with the glow of electronics and passengers glued to their entertainment devices.
At Safemark, we certainly don’t mind this trend as it means guests need a safe place to store those electronics while out of the hotel room. If you have renovation projects on the horizon, our in-wall hotel safes and drawer safes can address guest’s security concerns without damaging your budget. Contact our team today for a free site survey.