A recent news report from Florida highlighted the need for hotel guests to be ever vigilant about security in their rooms and not leave valuables and technology lying around. The article reports that opportunist thieves monitor floors where housekeeping is cleaning, walk in, and brazenly rummage through any personal belongings the guest may have left behind.

Hotel staff at various locations have told police that the thieves (usually working in pairs) acted as if the room was theirs. Typically, one would distract the housekeeper while the other would quickly seize whatever was left in the open including jewelry, cameras, mobile phones and laptops – all of which could have easily been stored secured in the hotel room safe.

Hoteliers need to impress upon their guests the need for vigilance as opportunists come in all forms from walk in criminals to pilfering staff. 

Hotel safes are designed to secure valuables and provide guests with quick access. Click here to learn more about Safemark\’s guest room safes. 

Be safe,

The Safemark Team