
Skills and Experience

Installing safes requires a combination of business and physical attributes. Installers will be required to interact with hotel staff and potentially guests, therefore, should act professional at all times.

Each safe weighs between 30 and 90 pounds (13 to 40 kg) so depending on the type of installation, two installers may be required per safe. While it’s important to have the ability to physically handle a safe, it’s equally important that the installer have basic computer skills as well as the ability to follow detailed instructions from the manual. Be sure to check local building codes before installing safes (especially important for concrete floors).

Prior experience installing safes is a prerequisite and installers need ample knowledge of construction materials, wall structures, flooring types, cabinetry or casework, fasteners – and the relationship of these components with each other. Installers also need to know about networks, electrical and plumbing systems as most installations require fastening the safe to a wall or floor. Construction materials and techniques vary geographically and chronologically. Determining where and when the structure was built typically reveals a better installation approach.

If you still have installation questions after reviewing the website, please contact us to speak with a technician. Our support team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (in English) for general services including safe operations, maintenance and technical support. Spare parts can be ordered from 8:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Standard time, Monday through Friday (except US holidays).


Contact Us

(800) 255-8818

(407) 299-0044 ext. 2
