
Back: S. Roy, Hotelity Managing Director; Steve Davis, Safemark President; Jennifer Ferris, Safemark VP Sales Asia Pacific & Middle East; Jason Wu, Hostech General Manager

Front: Chow Yee Hoong, Eureka Technologies Managing Director; Steve Cerar, Safemark VP Operations; Matthew Nekvapil, Motavi CEO; Moss Bakar, Equip Asia Managing Director; Allan Zhu, Safemark China CEO

Safemark recently met with our Asian distributors to discuss business practices to better streamline operations. The meeting, held in Hong Kong at the Hotel Icon (which has our D5.1 model installed), was a great opportunity to introduce our new President, Steve Davis, and Vice President of Operations, Steve Cerar, to the distributor group.

We also wanted to create a greater understanding of our overseas management and sales philosophies to help distributors increase their profits. The group consisted of valued business partners from all over the Eastern hemisphere representing markets in Malaysia, Qatar, China, the UAE, and others.

Jennifer Ferris, Safemark’s Vice President of Sales in Asia Pacific/Middle East stated, 

\”It was a very productive meeting and a great opportunity to get these two groups of people together to foster great cooperation and communication.Ultimately we are all here to increase our business opportunities and share ideas on how to better serve our customers.\”